Bridges to Moving Forward for a Better Tomorrow!
Our theme for the Ninth Annual Administrator Appreciation and Student Recognition Banquet and Conference is "Leadership, Literacy, and Leveraging; Bridges to Moving Forward for a Better Tomorrow!" The culminating appreciation and recognition banquet event provides the opportunity to bestow honor, recognition, and appreciation for the dedicated contributions that administrators achieve while working with African-American students. Equally, there will be professional development opportunities through concurrent workshops and symposiums. African-American students are recognized for achieving high academic standards and demonstrating upright character traits.
This event brings African-American educators, students, and parents together in celebration across the State of Ohio. Please mark your calendars and join OABSE Thursday April 20-22, 2023, as we reclaim and take ownership of the educational affairs of our communities and students.
Pre-Conference Sessions
and Reception
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Register Now!
Conference Day Schedule
Hilton Columbus/Polaris
8700 Lyra Drive
Columbus, OH 43240
Dec 1 - Mar 15
Early OABSE Midwest Regional
Conference Registration
Late Registration begins April 14, 2023
Dec 1 - Feb 1 (Open to Mar 1)
Call for Presenter Proposals
Presenter Proposal Guidelines
Dec 1 - Feb 1 (Open to Mar 1)
Call for Nominations of Principals and School Administrators
Nomination Guidelines
Dec 1 - Apr 1
Call for Sponsorships
Corporate and Supporter Levels
Individual Patron Levels