Bridges to Moving Forward for a Better Tomorrow!
Nominating Guidelines
Nomination selection criteria is aligned with the National Alliance of Black School Educators’ (NABSE) model and includes:
The nominee must be a practicing elementary, middle/junior high school, or high school administrator/ principal.
The nominee must have completed a minimum of two consecutive years of service in the state of Ohio.
The nominee must be a member of OABSE for their year of nomination or must become a member to be considered a candidate.
The nominee must be currently employed in an accredited school district or program.
The nominee must be able to attend the OABSE banquet on April 22, 2023.
A biographical sketch and picture of the nominee must be submitted no later than Wednesday, February 1, 2023.
We will follow up immediately with a letter informing nominees of the same with instructions on the next steps. The Nominating Committee will notify you of its final selections no later than Friday, February 10, 2023. Again, Wednesday, February 1, 2023, is the last day to submit a nomination. Please do not hesitate to contact us at info@oabse.org with questions.
Thank you again for all that you do in the service of our young people.
Best regards,
OABSE Nominating Committee
2023 Student Nominations
Deadline: March 3, 2023 (Extended to March 30)
OABSE’s student recognition program celebrates students who are paragons of excellence and who best personify a commitment to their community.
Selected principals and administrators may nominate a student to receive the OABSE Student Appreciation Award. Please submit the 2023 Student Nomination and Statement Form for consideration.
Dec 1 - Mar 15
Early OABSE Midwest Regional
Conference Registration
Late Registration begins April 14, 2023
Dec 1 - Feb 1 (Open to Mar 1)
Call for Presenter Proposals
Presenter Proposal Guidelines
Dec 1 - Feb 1 (Open to Mar 1)
Call for Nominations of Principals and School Administrators
Nomination Guidelines
Dec 1 - Apr 1
Call for Sponsorships
Corporate and Supporter Levels
Individual Patron Levels
Pre-Conference Sessions
and Reception
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Register Now!
Conference Day Schedule
Hilton Columbus/Polaris
8700 Lyra Drive
Columbus, OH 43240