Bridges to Moving Forward for a Better Tomorrow!
Presenter Proposal Guidelines
You are invited to submit a proposal to share your work, expertise, and knowledge with other educators from across Midwest School Districts and other education institutions. Accuracy and completeness in filling out the electronic form will aid the Planning Committee in giving full consideration to your proposal in addition to adherence to the guidelines below. Proposals must be submitted by February 1, 2023.
A presentation team may consist of a maximum of three presenters.
All proposals are due Wednesday, February 1, 2023.
Proposals for the conference should enable participants to gain new knowledge, tools, resources, strategies, practices, or perspectives during the session. Your proposal must be aligned with one of the following workshop strands:
Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice
Early Childhood
Improvement of Student Outcomes
Integrating Technology
Instructional Strategies
Professional Growth & Leadership
Organizational Leadership
Relationships & Engagement
School Counseling
STEAM Education
Supporting At-Risk Students
Supporting Students with Special Need
Provide a presentation title as you would like it to appear in the conference agenda or program. Remember to avoid abbreviations and acronyms that may be unclear, and keep in mind that many attendees only read the session titles, not the descriptions. All presentation titles must clearly describe exactly what the presentation is about and must be limited to 10 words. Concise and specific titles are requested. Remember, each presentation must clearly identify with one of the workshop strands.
Provide a clear description of your presentation as you would like it to appear in the conference program; three to five concise sentences are usually enough. Be sure the description clearly identifies who should attend (e.g. Grade K-2 teachers; Elementary Principals), what to expect from the session, and entices or encourages them to attend.
A presentation description must be submitted and limited to 150 words.
Presentations must be limited to one (1) hour.
Presenters must be able to present their sessions at any time during the Annual Conference.
The lead presenter and all co-presenters must be listed on the submission form with their email addresses.
OABSE will offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to conference attendees.
All proposal contacts will receive an email notifying them of the Planning Committee's decision, along with specific information on the next steps with a letter of acceptance. You will be notified by Friday, February 17, 2023.
Proposals will typically be selected if:
they are received on time and completed with all requested information;
meet the defined learning targets of the conference;
there is research or a record of success to support the presentation;
the content is current in the field of education;
the proposal specifies solutions to current educational challenges or problems;
shares tools or strategies that produce results.
Dec 1 - Mar 15
Early OABSE Midwest Regional
Conference Registration
Late Registration begins April 14, 2023
Dec 1 - Feb 1 (Open to Mar 1)
Call for Presenter Proposals
Presenter Proposal Guidelines
Dec 1 - Feb 1 (Open to Mar 1)
Call for Nominations of Principals and School Administrators
Nomination Guidelines
Dec 1 - Apr 1
Call for Sponsorships
Corporate and Supporter Levels
Individual Patron Levels
Pre-Conference Sessions
and Reception
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Register Now!
Conference Day Schedule
Hilton Columbus/Polaris
8700 Lyra Drive
Columbus, OH 43240